Install “Hyper-V Role” in a Windows Server 2012 R2 Core Installation

1. Login in to the Windows Server 2012 R2 Core installation(only cmd prompt available)

2. Type “powershell” to load the powershell module


3. To know whether the Hyper-V role is installed type the following command

PS C:\>Get-WindowsFeature

4. The list of Windows Roles & Features available will be listed, with the Installed once MARKED


5. Type the following command to start the installation of the Hyper-V Role

PS C:\>Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V

6. The Installation of Hyper-V role will be made(subject to pre-requestites)


7. Once compeleted we will get the confirmation as follows.


8. We have to install the VMM powershell cmdlets to manage the Hyper-V from command line.

9. To install VMM powershell cmdlets feature type the following command and press enter

PS C:\>Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-Powershell

10. The installation will be completed the confirmation is received.


11. The following will display all the installed powershell cmdlets.

PS C:\>Get-Command–Module Hyper-V


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